Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak just got another massive free update
Are you still huntin’?
Capcom is still pushing out those big free updates for Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, and if you’re partaking, you may want to take note of this recent patch.

Debuting this week version 15.0.0 is live, and adds the Amatsu and Risen Shagaru Magala monsters (which you can check out in the trailer below or the gallery above). For the most part, this is a content patch, but just like prior updates, it also fixes some bugs…well, a lot of bugs actually. Several weapons and playstyles were reworked/re-tooled as well, and tons of monster bugs were addressed (including an annoying problem with the Magnamalo fighting the Velkhana). On Switch the patch is just under 1GB (0.8GB) and on Steam, it’s only 2.0GB, which is comparatively small.
The big takeaways from Sunbreak patch 15.0.0
- Amatsu and Risen Shagaru Magala are the main events
- Anomaly Investigation system now has a larger level cap
- More items (including layered and non-layered) are in
- The lottery market has more prizes
- New quality of life options for the Smithy, including wishlists and decorations categories
- Kamura Village and Elgado Outpost will now have new dialogue options that reflect how far you are in the game