“Metal Gear Solid” live-action movie confirmed! 《Metal Gear Solid》真人版電影落實 !

According to foreign entertainment news website Deadline, Sony Pictures has confirmed the start of filming the live-action movie of the famous PlayStation game “Metal Gear Solid”, which will be directed by Jordan Charles Vogt-Roberts, the director of “Kong: Skull Island”, and who will play the protagonist Snake. It will be Oscar Isaac, the actor from the Disney+ series “Moon Knight.” However, due to the ongoing strike action by the Hollywood Screenwriters and Screen Actors Guilds, the filming start date of the film has not yet been confirmed. 《Metal Gear Solid》

真人版電影落實 ! 引述外國娛樂新聞網站 Deadline 的消息,Sony Picture 已落實開拍 PlayStation 著名遊戲《Metal Gear Solid》真人版電影,並由《金剛:骷髏島》 的導演 Jordan Charles Vogt-Roberts 執導,而飾演主角 Snake 的,將會由 Disney+ 影集《Moon Knight》的男星 Oscar Isaac。不過由於荷里活編劇及演員工會的罷工行動仍然持續,所以仍未能確認電影的開拍日期。